盱眙小龙虾 Xuyi Crayfish

Among all crayfish varieties, Xuyi crayfish from Huai'an, Jiangsu is renowned for its authenticity and exceptional flavor.  The key characteristics of Xuyi crayfish can be summed up by the "Three Whites and Two Abundances."

The "Three Whites" refer to the white color of the abdomen, gills, and meat.  The whiter these areas are, the better the crayfish’s growth environment.

The "Two Abundances" highlight the plentiful, succulent meat and the generous amount of rich, creamy roe, sometimes overflowing from the shell.

A steaming plate of bright red crayfish, with its enticing aroma, instantly whets the appetite.  Each bite offers a symphony of sensations: spicy, numbing, fresh, savory, aromatic, sweet, tender, crispy, plump, and glistening.  Once you start, it's impossible to stop.  Even after finishing, the lingering flavors stay with you for days, leaving you longing for more.


"三白",是指腹部白, 腮白和肉白, 这几个部位越白, 说明龙虾的生长环境越好。

“两多” ,是指肉多肥美, 黄多的要溢出来。

红红的一盘小龙虾, 热气腾腾, 香味扑鼻, 诱人食欲。吃的时候,麻、辣、鲜、美、香、甜、嫩、酥、肥、亮, 令人欲罢不能。吃后余味不绝, 绕手三日,叫人无法忘记。


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NSF - Grilled Fish Series  北洋海产 - 烤鱼系列

Indulge in the authentic flavors of NSF's Grilled Fish! Whether it's the bold spice of Spicy Grilled Fish, the tingling sensation of Green Sichuan Pepper Grilled Fish, or the rich aroma of Garlic Grilled Fish, each bite is a journey to pure seafood bliss. Freshly sourced, expertly grilled, and full of flavor, NSF brings the ocean to your plate.


火锅燕饺(虾肉) 105g

火锅燕饺(虾肉) 105g

NSF-Hotpot Shrimp Dumpling



NSF-Japanese-style Pollock and Shrimp Paste

青虾滑 150g

青虾滑 150g

NSF-Premium Shrimp Paste

整虾蛋饺(8个) 120g

整虾蛋饺(8个) 120g 

NSF-Whole Shrimp Egg Dumplings

Restaurant Select  


Elevate your restaurant’s hot pot and seafood dishes with our large-pack Fish Balls, designed specifically for professional kitchens. Made with premium ingredients and crafted for exceptional texture and flavor, these fish balls are perfect for satisfying your customers. Convenient, cost-effective, and ideal for large-scale service—ensure consistency and quality in every dish you serve!

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潮州鱼丸 (2.5kg) 

NSF-Chiu Chow Fish Ball


NSF-Crab Flavor Fish Ball


NSF-Cuttlefish Cake with Cuttlefish Ink


NSF-Cuttlefish Cake

麻糬  (2.5kg) 

NSF-Fish Cake With Glutinuous Rice( Moji Stick)

炸鱼丸 (2.5kg) 

NSF-Fried Fish Ball


NSF-Fried Shrimp Ball


NSF-Golden Threadfin Bream

烤乳酪鱼丸 (2.5kg) 

NSF-Grilled Cheese Dumpling

仿龙虾丸 (2.5kg)

NSF-Imitation Lobster Ball


NSF-Scallion Shrimp Cake


NSF-Thailand Cuttlefish Ball

泰国墨鱼天妇罗 (2.5kg) 

NSF-Thailand Cuttlefish Nugget


NSF-Thailand Grilled Fish Roll


NSF-Thailand Imitation Crab Ball


NSF-Thailand Imitation Lobster Ball

福州包心丸 (2.5kg) 

NSF-Tofu Dumpling Fish Ball


NSF-Tofu Pocket with Fish Roe


NSF-Urchin Flavor Fish Ball